
Rules & Regulations

Implement the latest version of the “Rules of Mahjong Competition” issued by the World Mahjong Organization. Each game lasts 90 minutes, and the standard points are scored according to “4, 2, 1, 0”.  
A total of eight sessions, the first session will be seated randomly by the computer, and the other seven sessions will be seated according to the overall ranking.

Players from the same team or family may share the same table multiple times. When this happens, the team or family must declare before the game starts, so that everyone can supervise and ensure fair competition.
个人成绩前16名选手/Top 16 for individuals
The first prize is $400, a championship trophy, a medal, and a lifetime right to use a mahjong machine
The second prize is $200, a runner-up trophy, a medal, and a lifetime right to use a mahjong machine
The third prize is $100, a trophy for the third runner-up, a medal, and the right to use a mahjong machine for life

The 4th to 8th places will each receive $60. A medal
The 9th to 16th places will each receive a prize of $30

单盘最高番和单局最高分:各获奖金$88, 奖牌一枚
The highest score in a single hand and the highest score in a single round will each receive $88 and a medal  

团体成绩前4名选手/Top 4 for groups:
第一名:获冠军奖杯一座, 每位选手奖牌一枚
The first place will receive a championship trophy, and each player will receive a medal
第二名:每位选手获奖牌一枚 A medal for each runner-up
第三名:每位选手获奖牌一枚 A medal for each third place player
第四名:每位选手获奖牌一枚 Each fourth place player will receive a medal
所有团体和个人获奖选手将获得加拿大国标麻将协会颁发的“加拿大国标麻将优秀选手”证书。 All team and individual winners will receive the “Canadian National Standard Mahjong Excellent Player” certificate issued by the Canada MCR Sports Association.


 20231028日,星期六/Saturday,第一场/Day 1   
8:45 运动员报到检录/Registration
主持/Host:Max Ma / Barry Zhu  
9:00 介绍议员等来宾及宣读贺信/Opening Ceremony and Welcome Guests  
9:15 周赛和季度联赛获奖者颁奖/League Winners Awards   
9:30 裁判长Max Ma说明补充规则/Additional Rules
9:45 裁判长Max Ma宣布比赛开始/Announcement of start  
9:45 ~ 11:25 第一局比赛/Session 1 
11:35 ~ 13:15第二局比赛/Session 2   
13:15 ~ 14:15 午餐 休息/Lunch Break  
14:15 ~ 15:55 第三局比赛/Session 3
16:05 ~ 17:45 第四局比赛/Session 4  
当日比赛结束/Day 1 ends 
                      20231029日,星期天/Sunday,第二场/Day 2   
运动员提前10分钟入场/Player arrival (10 minutes earlier)   
9:00 裁判长Max Ma宣布比赛开始/Announcement of start  
9:00 ~ 10:40 第五局比赛/Session 5
10:50 ~ 12:30 第六局比赛/Session 6   
12:30 ~ 13:30 午餐休息,合影留念/Lunch Break and Photo  
13:30 ~ 15:10 第七局比赛/Session 7
15:20 ~ 17:00 第八局比赛/Session 8  
17:00 ~ 17:30 宣布比赛成绩及颁奖/Winner Awards and closing ceremony 
 17:30 ~ 18:00 拍照留念,自由活动 
18:00 比赛结束/the End