补充规则, 计分表和APP


第七届世界麻将锦标赛整体采用世界麻将组织颁布的国际《麻将竞赛规则》 (2006) 。同时, 比赛过程中,所有选手必须做到以下几点以减少争议,确保公平竞赛:

 The 7th World Mahjong Championship adopts the International Mahjong Competition Rules (2006) issued by the World Mahjong Organization. At the same time, all players must do the following during the tournament:

  1. 抱着互相学习互相尊重的态度,以品为上 – be respectful and courteous to each other
  2. 严格按规定用语操作,不得用非规定用语干扰比赛 – Strictly follow the rules of the game and do not interfere with the game by using unauthorized language
  3. 杜绝喧哗, 争吵, 作弊 – Strictly follow the rules and regulations, and any cheating will not be tolerated
  4. 一旦产生异议,立即举手请求裁判帮助 – Raise your hand and ask the referee for help if you have any objections or need help
  5. 比赛全过程绝对服从裁判判罚 – Follow the referee’s decisions throughout the game. 


Please follow the following clarifications for the ambiguities in the rules. 

  1. 杠上开花可加计妙手回春 – If a player accomplishes Out With Replacement and that winning tile is also the last tile in the wall, Last Tile Draw is also counted
  2. 手牌在形式上听多种牌时,不计边张、嵌张、单吊 – When a hand has multiple waits, edge wait , closed wait , or single wait will not be not counted
  3. 组合龙普通型和牌中,可加计平和。如果听牌既可以解释为组合龙的部分, 也可以解释为边张、嵌张、单吊,可加计边张、嵌张、单吊 – In the case of a knitted straight , extra point can count if it satisfies the categories of Single wait , Edge wait or closed wait. Even if the winning tile is within the structure of the Knitted straight
  4. 抓的牌是最后一张牌,可加杠、暗杠、补花 – After drawing the last tile in the wall , you can kong or claim a flower even there is no tile in the wall
  5. 至少缺一门花色的番种(包括大三元、小三元、三风刻、一色四同顺、一色 四节高、一色四步高、推不倒),除推不倒不计缺一门(特殊规定)以外, 其他番种均可加计缺一门 – A hand that potentially generates one voided suit but not necessary guarantees it , one voided suit can be counted except for reversible tiles. For example Big Three dragons , Little Three dragons , Three big Winds, quadruple chows , quadruple shifted pungs or quadruple shifted chows , or reversible tiles)
  6. 空报和牌按停和陪打处理 – A blank call Hu will be treated as dead hand. The player will have no deduction but can not win the current hand
  7. 其他规则争议以当前赛事组委会的解释和当场比赛裁判员的判罚为准 – All other disputes shall be subject to the interpretation of the Organizing Committee of the current tournament and the judgment of the referee



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