
首页 论坛 通知消息 关于精英麻将的几个问题及解决办法

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  • #755

    Google Chrome
    1.On your computer, open Chrome. 打开Chrome
    2.At the top right, click More and then Settings. 在右上角点击三个小点,再选Settings
    3.Under “Privacy and security,” click Site settings. 在Privacy and Security下,点击 Site Settings
    4. 允许pop-ups做以下两步
    1) Click Pop-ups and redirects. 点击Pop-ups and redirects
    2) .At the top, turn the setting to Allowed or Blocked. 在上部,把开关转到Allowed
    5. 允许Flash做以下两步
    1) Click Flash. 点击Flash
    2) Turn off Block sites from running Flash. 关闭Block sites from running Flash


    Enable pop-ups

    • Open Firefox. 打开Firefox
    • At the top, click Preferences.  在右上角点击三条短横杠, 再选Options
    • Click Privacy & Security.点 击Privacy & Security
    • UnCheck Block popup windows. 不要选Block pop-up windows

    Enable Flash

    • Open Firefox. 打开Firefox
    • Type “about:addons” in the address bar and press enter. 在地址栏输入”about:addons”再按回车
    • Locate Shockwave Flash (Adobe Flash Player) and select “Always Activate” from the dropdown menu.找到Shockwave Flash,并在下拉菜单中选Always Activate



    1.Open Microsoft Edge, at the top right of the browser, select the 3 dots then select Settings. 打开Edge,在右上角点击三个小点,再选Settings
    2. 允许pop-ups做以下两步

    1) In Settings select Privacy & Security. 点 击Privacy & Security
    2)Under “Block pop-ups”, click the slide bar to turn Off pop-up windows. 关闭Block pop-ups

    3. 允许Flash做以下两步

    1) In Settings select Advanced. 点 击Advanced

    2) Turn on Use Adobe Flash Player. 打开User Adobe Flash Player


    1. 打开Chrome settings
    2. 点击 Privacy and security
    3. 点击Site settings, 找到flash并点击
    4. 关闭“blocksitesfromrunningflash


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